Ownership Change
Checking this box indicates that you want an estimate of taxes based on an ownership change, such as from a sale or other transaction on the property. Ownership changes can result in a loss of any or all exemptions currently being claimed on the property, including but not limited to the Save Our Homes cap. Checking this box will simulate a loss of all exemptions except those specifically indicated under the exemptions area above.

Additional Improvement Value
To estimate taxes using the addition or removal of a physical change to the property, such as a swimming pool, screened porch, or shed, indicate the full retail cost paid in the box to the right.

Gain/Loss of Market Value
To estimate taxes based on changes in market values in your neighborhood, enter the appropriate increase or decrease in values. For example, recent sales or a newly paved road may appreciate the value of your property by $20,000. You would enter $20,000 in this box to estimate if there would be an increase in taxes. Please note that Save Our Homes limits the amount of market changes that can occur while claiming the exemption. Please check our Exemptions page for more information. This exemption is based upon the 3% Save Our Homes cap for homesteaded property, and 10% cap for non-homesteaded property.

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