Pasco County Records Search
You can search our parcel database by 6
methods -- Parcel ID, Name, Recent sales, Official Record Book & Page,
Interactive maps, and Physical address (physical addresses are provided by the
City and County Growth Management offices.)
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Ownership is based on the instruments recorded by the Clerk of Circuit Court
. The notary date is the transaction date of record.
The information presented here is as accurate and detailed as possible.
The values represented are a work in progress, they are dynamic and likely to
change often.
Use Agreement
The information contained herein is based upon a review of the existing public
records, documents and information which has been provided to the Pasco County
Property Appraiser's Office. Our records are updated as new information is
received from the corresponding agency. Market transactions are typically
reflected on our records two to six weeks from the closing date. Assessed
values viewed on this site and at our offices are always a work in progress.
Be advised that new construction/additions/deletions or land zoning changes may NOT
be reflected on this site until after January first of the next tax year. The
true assessed value for any given tax year is only reflected on the final
Department of Revenue certified tax roll.This information is available
as a free download or may be viewed at any of our offices. The Property Appraiser
exercises auditing procedures to ensure the validity of any transactions
received and posted by this office. However, all such data received and posted
is for the purpose of developing the property value roll as required by Florida
Statutes. Future Land Use, Zoning, construction permitting and millage rates are some of the
property related regulations managed by the jurisdiction where the parcel is located.
Each parcels' jurisdictional authority is indicated underneath the parcel detail "Legal Description."
Please contact the indicated jurisdiction for applicable information.
As such, the Pasco County Property Appraiser's Office makes no
warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness,
reliability or suitability of this data for any other particular use. The
Property Appraiser's Office assumes no liability or responsibility associated
with the use or misuse of such data.
Official Records and Protecting Your Personal Information
For Official Records, you will be redirected to the Clerk & Comptroller's website. Florida Statute mandates that the Clerk & Comptroller enable Internet access to Official Records (section 28.2221, Fla. Stat. (2011)). Your social security number and other sensitive information may appear in the Official Records due to the preparation of documents in the past. The Clerk & Comptroller is committed to protecting your sensitive data from public view.
The Clerk & Comptroller's Office has electronically reviewed its Internet documents (over 14 million pages) and blocked recognized sensitive data. Due to various issues, such as poor document quality or handwritten items, the system could have missed some sensitive information.
Please verify that your personal information is blocked from public view by going to Click on Public Records and Protected Personal Information. Instructions for blocking sensitive information are included. See Clerk & Comptroller Full Terms