Mike Wells
Legal Description
Assessed in Section 35, Township 24 South, Range 16 East
of Pasco County, Florida

BEACON WOODS EAST SANDPIPER VLG MB 16 PGS 67-71 LOT 113 & POR LOT 114 COM MOST SLY COR LOT 114 FOR POB TH N 5 DEG13 MIN 29" W 109.25 FT TO NWLY COR LOT 114 TH N 87 DEG09 MIN 26" E 2.04 FT TH S 4 DEG09 MIN 18" E 109.19 FT TO POB OR 7691 PG 1880

Please be advised that our legal descriptions are for assessment purposes only, and are not intended for use in legal conveyances.