Reference Codes
Commercial Value Codes | |
Code | Description |
CC | Commercial Condominium |
CMAJ | Major Corner |
GC | Golf Course |
IBDI | Industrial area, Odessa |
IBEL | Industrial Area across Bellamy Bros. Blvd |
IBIP | Bartelt Industrial Park |
IBLW | Beeler Industrial |
IC75 | COMPARK 75 |
ICCC | Custom Commerce Center |
ICCI | Cornerstone Communities Inc |
ICLT | County Line Trade Center |
IGNI | Industrial - Gunn Hwy area |
IHCP | Holiday Commercial Park |
ILKI | Leo Kidd Industrial Park |
ILOU | Louis Avenue |
IMBF | Pet Lane |
INSI | North Suncoast Industrial Park |
IODI | Odessa Industrial Park |
IOFI | Oreto Francine Industrial Park |
IOIP | Oreto Industrial Park |
IOPC | One Pasco Center Industrial Park |
IPCC | Palm Coast Center |
IPRC | Port Richey Commercial Park |
IROS | Rose Industrial |
ISCC | Scheer Commerece Center |
ISCL | Suncoast Lakes Industrial |
ISIP | Sherwin Industrial Park |
ITCC | Trinity Corporate Center |
ITCP | Trinity Commerce Park |
IWPI | West Pasco Industrial |
IZAP | Zephyrhills Industrial Area |
IZIP--A | Zephyrhills Industrial Park |
IZIP--B | Orbital Industrial Park |
IZPK | Zephyrhills Air Park |
M10S | 10Th Street Zephyrhills |
M14S | 14Th Street, Dade City |
M301 | U.S. 301 |
M35A | C.R. 35A, Lakeland Highway |
M4AV | 4Th Avenue Zephyrhills |
M54E | C. R. 54 East |
M54O | Old 54, Wesley Chapel Blvd |
M54W | S.R. 54 Just East And West Of I - 75 |
M575 | C.R. 575 |
M578 | C.R. 587&579 |
M581 | C. R. 581, Bruce B. Downs |
M5AV | 5Th Avenue Zephyrhills |
M5ST | 5Th Street Dade City |
M6AV | 6Th Avenue Zephyrhills |
M6ST | 6Th Street Zephyrhills |
M7ST | 7Th Street Zephyrhills |
M8ST | 8Th Street Zephyrhills |
M9ST | 9Th Street Zephyrhills |
MA19 | Alternate 19 |
MARF | Riverfront Commercial |
MBLV | Grand Blvd |
MC39 | C.R. 39 |
MC41 | C.R. 41 (Dade City/Zephyrhills Area) |
MCAN | Canal Frontage (Hudson Area) |
MCAR | Carson Drive |
MCEC | C E Craft |
MCFT | Craft Sub |
MCHR | Church Avenue |
MCLN | Clinton Ave |
MCLR | County Line Road, North |
MCLS | County Line Road, South |
MCOL | Collier Parkway |
MCON | Congress Avenue |
MCRB | Cypress Ridge Blvd |
MCRN | Carpenter's Run |
MCRP | Crecent Park |
MCTB | Terra Bella Commercial |
MCTS | Coats Road |
MDCO | Dade City area |
MDDR | Dean Dairy Road |
MDGH | Daughtery Road |
MDMB | Dale Mabry Highway |
MDRD | Dairy Road |
MEDR | East Of Diagonal Road, Hudson Area |
MEIL | Eiland Blvd. |
MEMB | Embassy Blvd. |
MENC | Enchanted Pines |
MFHW | Forest Hills |
MFIV | Fivay Road |
MFLO | Flora Avenue |
MGBE | Gulf Breeze Estates |
MGHE | Gulf Coast Highway Estates |
MGIR | Geiger Road |
MGLF | Gulf Blvd. |
MGNN | Gunn Highway |
MGRN | Grand Blvd. (South Of Town) |
MH2O | Gulf Water Frontage |
MHAY | Hays Road |
MHIC | Hicks Road |
MHPL | Heather Place |
MHRD | Hunter'S Ridge |
MHUD | Hudson Avenue |
MI75 | Proximity Of I-75 |
MLIO | Live Oak Avenue, Dade City |
MLIR | Lake Iola Road |
MLIT | Little Road |
MLIV | Livingston Ave. |
MLOK | Lock Street, Dade City |
MLSB | Lakeshore Blvd. |
MMAD | Madison Street |
MMAR | Marine Parkway |
MMAS | Massachusettes Ave. |
MMBR | Morris Bridge Road |
MMED | Medical Related Parcels |
MMER | Meridian Ave., Dade City |
MMIT | Mitchell Blvd. |
MMLR | Moon Lake Road |
MMNS | Main Street, New Port Richey |
MMOR | Morningside Drive |
MMPS | Meadow Pointe Area |
MMST | Mile Stretch Road |
MNPO | New Port Richey Other |
MNTH | North Avenue, Zephyrhills |
MNWF | Non Waterfront, New Port Richey |
MOSP | Osprey Lane Off Of S.R. 54, LOL Area |
MPAN | Panorama Avenue |
MPAS | Pasco Avenue, Dade City |
MPOP | Paradise Of Port Richey Area |
MPRA | Port Richey Acres |
MPRD | Pasco Road |
MPRF | Riverfront Commercial Near Main St. Npr |
MPRX | Proximity Of U.S. 19 |
MRCB | River Crossing Blvd |
MRDG | Ridge Road |
MROW | Rowan Road |
MRPB | Regency Park Blvd. |
MRTJ | Robert Trent Jones Parkway |
MRVR | River Road Dade City |
MS52 | S.R. 52 |
MS54 | S.R. 54 |
MSAN | San Antonio Area |
MSCR | School Road, Land O' Lakes |
MSHR | Shady Hills Road |
MSLD | St. Lawrence Drive |
MSSB | Seven Springs Blvd. |
MSTH | South Avenue, Zephyrhills |
MSTL | St. Leo Commercial |
MTCR | Trouble Creek Road |
MTRH | Trailer Haven |
MU19 | U.S. 19 |
MU41 | U.S. 41 |
MU98 | U.S. 98 |
MWBA | Vacinity Of S.R. 54; Willow Bend Area |
MWCA | Wesley Chapel Area N. Of S.R. 54 And W. Of I-75, inc. Oakley |
MWDR | West Of Diagonal Road But East Of Us 19 |
MWFC | Waterfront Commercial |
MWIL | Willetts Commercial Sub Near Carpenter's Run |
MWIR | Wire Road |
MZAP | Zephyrhills Airport |
MZHB | Zephyrhills Bypass |
MZOT | Zephyrhills Other |
NBPA | Bayonet Point Area |
NDCA | Dade City Area, Commercial |
NHUD | Hudson Area, Commercial |
NLOL | Land O' Lakes Area, Commercial |
NMLA | Moon Lake Area, Commercial |
NNCP | North Central Pasco, Commercial |
NNPA | New Port Richey Area, Commercial |
NODA | Odessa Area, Commercial |
NPRA | Port Richey Area, Commercial |
NSAA | San Antonio Area, Commercial |
NWCA | Wesley Chapel Area, Commercial |
NZHA | Zephyrhills Area, Commercial |
OPAR | Outparcel To Shopping Center |
PARB | Arbor Medical Sub |
PBNP | Burkes Park Area, Not a platted sub |
PBPP | Seven Springs Professional |
PBSP | Brookside Professional Park |
PBWP | Beacon Woods Professional |
PCAN | Canoe Commons |
PCGP | Cypress Glen Professional Park |
PCPP | Canterbury Professional Park |
PDEV | Devonwood Professional Park |
PDGH | Daughtery Professional |
PDRP | Daughtery Road Professional Park |
PFMH | Florida Hospital Medical Office Bldg |
PHOP | Highland Oaks Medical Center |
PLOL | Osprey Cove Professional Park |
PLOP | Lakeside Office Park |
PLST | Lakeide Terrace |
PMDO | Medical Dr. Hudson |
PNFP | North Fork Professional Park |
POCC | Oaks Commerce Center |
POGP | Cypress Creek Professional Park |
POPR | Professional Park on Permit Place, NPR |
PORP | Oak Ridge Professional Park |
POSC | Oakstead Professional Center |
POTP | Oak Trail Professional |
PPCC | Citizen Center, NPR |
PPEC | Pasco Executive Center |
PPMA | Pasco Medical Arts |
PPVP | Parkview Place |
PSCM | Suncoast Meadows Professional |
PSOP--A | Windfair Professional Park |
PSOP--B | Summergate Professional Park |
PSSM | Seven Springs Medical Park |
PSSP | Seven Springs Professional |
PSTP | Stadium Park Zephyrhills |
PTCP | Trinity Commons |
PTPP | Trinity Area Professional Parks |
PTVM | Townview Medical |
PWBP | Westbrook Professional Park |
PWHP | Wesley Hills Professional Park |
PWSO | Seven Oaks Professional Park |
PZEP | Zephyrhills Executive Park |
RMHPCL1 | Rental Mobile Home Park, Class 1 |
RMHPCL2 | Rental Mobile Home Park, Class 2 |
RMHPCL3 | Rental Mobile Home Park, Class 3 |
RMHPCL4 | Rental Mobile Home Park, Class 4 |
RMHPCL5 | Rental Mobile Home Park, Class 5 |
RRVPCL1 | Rental Recreational Vehicle Park, Class 1 |
RRVPCL2 | Rental Recreational Vehicle Park, Class 2 |
RRVPCL3 | Rental Recreational Vehicle Park, Class 3 |
RRVPCL4 | Rental Recreational Vehicle Park, Class 4 |
SITE | Shopping Center Or Other Site |