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Estimate Taxes

Parcel 30-26-16-0030-00000-0100

The values provided on this page are to be used as an estimate only. Millage rates listed are the 2023 Certified rates from each authority. Property values, exemption amounts, and millages are subject to change. Please refer to the Proposed Notice of Taxes that is mailed in August for information.

Non-School School
Land: $34,751 $34,751
Building: $145,705 $145,705
Extra Features: $505 $505
Just Value: $180,961 $180,961
Assessed Value: $93,170 $180,961
Exemptions: $0 $0
Taxable Value: $93,170 $180,961

Change parameters

For more information about exemptions, including qualification requirements, please refer to our Exemptions brochure.

Assumes property recently sold or will sell in the near future. Assessment limitations (Save Our Homes) are removed.

Exemption of up to $25,000 off school and $50,000 off non-school taxable values.

Transfer your assessment limitation from a previous home in Florida

Disabled ex-service member or surviving spouse

Service-connected disabled veteran - based on disability percentage

Individuals who have not remarried after the death of their spouse

Individuals who are total and permanently disabled

Individuals who are legally blind

Additional Homestead for service members deployed in specified military operations

Other total exemptions

Ad Valorem Taxes
Authority NameAuthority TypeTaxable ValueMillage RateEstimated Taxes
COUNTY COMMISSION - OPERATINGCounty$93,1707.4292$692.18
COUNTY FIRE RESCUE BOND 2019Debt$93,1700.0204$1.90
COUNTY PARKS & REC BOND 2019Debt$93,1700.0096$0.89
COUNTY LIBRARIES BOND 2019Debt$93,1700.0094$0.88
COUNTY JAIL BOND 2019Debt$93,1700.0256$2.39
COUNTY FIRE RESCUE BOND 2020Debt$93,1700.0416$3.88
COUNTY LIBRARIES BOND 2021Debt$93,1700.0087$0.81
COUNTY JAIL BOND 2021Debt$93,1700.1073$10.00
COUNTY PARKS & REC BOND 2022Debt$93,1700.0131$1.22
COUNTY FIRE RESCUE BOND 2024Debt$93,1700.0044$0.41
COUNTY PARKS MSTUMSTU$93,1700.0000$0.00
COUNTY ROADS MSTUMSTU$93,1700.4052$37.75
SCHOOL - STATE LAWSchool$180,9613.0830$557.90
SCHOOL - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSchool$180,9611.5000$271.44
SCHOOL - LOCAL DISCRETIONARYSchool$180,9610.7480$135.36
SCHOOL - ADDITIONAL OPERATINGSchool$180,9611.0000$180.96
SW FLA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTWater Mgmt$93,1700.1909$17.79
Total Ad Valorem Taxes $2,134.39
Non-Ad Valorem Assessments
Your final tax bill may contain non-ad valorem assessments which may not be reflected on this estimate such as assessments for roads, fire, garbage, lighting, drainage, water, sewer, or other governmental services and facilities which may be levied by your county, city, or any special district.
County Solid Waste $107.00
County Stormwater $95.00
County Streetlight $23.00
Total Non-Ad Valorem Assessments $225.00
Total Taxes and Assessments $2,359.39
Printed on: 3/12/2025 7:13 AM