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Legal Description
Assessed in Section 21, Township 24 South, Range 17 East
of Pasco County, Florida

TRACT 907A UNREC PLAT HIGHLANDS DESC AS COM AT NE COR OF SEC TH S00DEG08’39”E 532.93 FT TH S32DEG45’21”W 992.77 FT TO POB TH S32DEG45’11”W 147.47 FT TH N79DEG57’47”W 103.48 FT TH N62DEG25’48”W 232.60 FT TH N26DEG33’50”E 171.96 FT TH S63DEG26’10”E 347.66 FT TO POB

Please be advised that our legal descriptions are for assessment purposes only, and are not intended for use in legal conveyances.